Rendagor Demo 1.0


I'm Triban Enrico solo-dev at TribanzDev.

Rendagor is my first game using Godot Engine.

This game is a 2D Shooter in top-down pixel art where you drive a robot of Rendagor Corporation and you take instructions from the AI of the company( at least in this demo... :-x  Spoiler Alert!).

The game is divided in to branch: StoryMode and Arcade Mode.


In this demo there are the first 3 Levels of the StoryMode where you'll solve little puzzles, kill all threats to reach the end-level-boss.


There's only 1 Arcade mode level in this demo ( i'm planning to release future uptade with at least 1 more level for this demo)

In Arcade Mode you play in a closed level and have to survive 19 enemies wave(randomized evry wave) and kill the boss ( random aswell).

You have all weapons unlocked ( planning to implement more weapons in future )  and can buy/find ammo.

In both gameModes you can pick-up Battery-Kit and Repair-Kit to keep your robot functioning, take R-Coins to spend at ingame vendors (InstaShop) ,  R-Chips to upgrade your robot systems.

All assets and musics are self-made.

TileMap Assets are ispired by Kenney Assets.

Thanks to all :) 

Triban Enrico - TribanzDev


rendagor.exe 343 MB
8 days ago 125 bytes
8 days ago
rendagor.x86_64 325 MB
8 days ago

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Your work looks promising!

thanks :)